

梅约诊所的研究人员确定了一种称为CD38酶,它可以减少衰老过程中的烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NAD),这一过程与年龄增长的代谢下降有关。研究发现小鼠和人类体内随着年龄的增加CD38也随之增加。该结果发表在《Cell Metabolism》。

“随着年龄的增长,人们的新陈代谢和代谢功能都会有所下降。与年龄相关的代谢性疾病的发病率会增加,如肥胖,糖尿病和其它疾病等。”医学博士Eduardo Chini表示,“之前的研究表明在几种生物有机体的老化过程中NAD水平会下降。这种NAD的减少部分似乎与衰老过程中的代谢下降有关。”

研究人员表明,CD38酶存在于炎症细胞中,直接参与介导年龄相关的NAD下降的过程。比较3 月龄和 32月龄的小鼠,研究人员发现在自然老化过程中通过对组织器官的测试发现老龄小鼠中CD38的含量增加了至少两到三倍,包括肝脏、脂肪、脾脏和骨骼肌。





CD38 Dictates Age-Related NAD Decline and Mitochondrial Dysfunction through an SIRT3-Dependent Mechanism

Juliana Camacho-Pereira, Mariana G. Tarragó, Claudia C.S. Chini, Veronica Nin, Carlos Escande, Gina M. Warner, Amrutesh S. Puranik, Renee A. Schoon, Joel M. Reid, Antonio Galina, Eduardo N. Chini

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) levels decrease during aging and are involved in age-related metabolic decline. To date, the mechanism responsible for the age-related reduction in NAD has not been elucidated. Here we demonstrate that expression and activity of the NADase CD38 increase with aging and that CD38 is required for the age-related NAD decline and mitochondrial dysfunction via a pathway mediated at least in part by regulation of SIRT3 activity. We also identified CD38 as the main enzyme involved in the degradation of the NAD precursor nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) in vivo, indicating that CD38 has a key role in the modulation of NAD-replacement therapy for aging and metabolic diseases.