Rui Chen

Publisher:崔梦晶Release time:2018-10-19Views:393

Basic Information
Rui Chen


Address:Room #305, School of Public Health, Dingjiaqiao 87, Nanjing

Research Interest

Prof. Rui Chen began to work in SEU in 2014. His research work focuses on the mechanism of hypoxia related diseases, such as tumor, which is induced by environmental stress. His original work about the novel connection between HIF-2 and Sirt1 was published in Science in 2009.

In follow-up studies published in J Biol. Chem., Prof. Chen and his colleague have shown that Sirt1 activity increases during hypoxia through changes in Sirt1 gene expression mediated by HIF signaling rather than by changes in redox status favoring an oxidative state, which presumably activates Sirt1 activity in other cases. These findings were published in Journal of Biological Chemistry. In his latest study, Prof. Chen focuses on the microenvironment of tumors and the environmental stresses associated with tumors.

Biographical Information

Nanjing Medical University, China, B.S. 07/2002, Medicine

Nanjing Medical University, China, Ph. D. 07/2007, Medicine

Environmental Medicine Center, NYU, USA, Postdoc, 01/2008

UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA, Postdoc, 08/2011

UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA, assistant professor,06/2014

School of Public Health, SEU, China, professor, 06/2014-present