Course Detailed Information: Course name: Environmental Health Course number: S042802 Course start time: Autumn Number of classes: 54 Teaching mode: Lecture, Seminar Teacher in charge: Xiaobo Li Contact Number: 15851803977
Course Introduction: This course instructs the brief introduction to theory and scope of environment, including the health-related viewpoints, techniques and methods, such as toxicology, occupational safety, nutrition and food safely, climate changes, as well as environmental pollutions. This course especially focuses on the environmental pollution, occupational safety and food safety related problems. The students should master the basic theory and definition as well as the methods to study the relationship between environmental risk factors and health. Every student should read at least 10 academic papers in thi field to know the advanced progress of environmental health.
Agenda details: Week Course Content 11. Introduction 22. Toxicology 3-53. Environmental pollution and Health 64. Environmental associated diseases 7-85. Occupational health and safety 9-106. Food hygiene and safety 117. Risk assessment References: 1. Environmental Health, Dade W. Moeller, Harvard University Press, 2011, 4th edition
2. Environmental health from Global to Local, Howard Frumkin, Wiley, 2004, 2nd edition |