Course Detailed Information: Course name: Public Health in China Course number: S042813 Course start time: Spring Number of classes: 54 Teaching mode: Lecture, Seminar Teacher in charge: Rui Chen Contact Number: 025-83272560
Course Introduction: Our mission is to introduce the developing of public health in China, including the primary health care, reform in the medical and health system of China, healthy emergency and rescue, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, prevention and treatment of chronic non-communicable disorders, the women’s and children’s health care as well as the international health cooperation. Further, the students should be familiar with the organization, supervision and management of primary health service. The key point is to analyze and solve the practical problems.
Agenda details: Week Course Content 11. Introduction 22. Medical and Healthcare systems in China 3-43. Infectious disease prevention and treatment 5-64. prevention and treatment of chronic non-communicable disorders 7-85. Three tier prevention 9-106. Women and Children’s health 117. Health care for olds References: 1. Emerging infectious disease and control of them, Zhang Xitan, et al. People’s surgeon Publishing House, 2000