Hua Zhang

Publisher:崔梦晶Release time:2016-07-04Views:715

Basic Information

Hua Zhang


Address:Room #612, School of Public Health Building, Dingjiaqiao Street, Nanjing

Research Interest

Hua Zhang has been engaged in education and research of health policy and management. Her research interests include health insurance and health technology assessment. In recent years, she has used mathematical models, experimental data to explore how Hepatitis B spread and provide evidence to support policies to control the disease. Her research has been published in journals such as Asia-pacific Journal ,Plos One and Iranian Journal of Public Health.

Recent Research Project
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China(81402769), Study on control strategy of Hepatitis B.
2. National Training program of Innovation for Undergraduate, Economic evaluation of hepatitis B vaccination.

3. Provincial Training program of Innovation for Undergraduate, Study on DRGs payment.

Biographical Information

Hua Zhang was born in Laixi City, Shandong Province, China in 1977. She got her M.S. in Epidemiology and health Statistics in 2003 and Ph.D. in Environment Epidemiology in 2015 from Southeast University. She has joined the School of Public Health, Southeast University since 2003.