Jin Yang

Publisher:崔梦晶Release time:2016-07-04Views:432

Basic Information

Jin Yang


Email:101010405@seu.edu.cn; 18665356@qq.com

Address:Room 609, School of public health, Southeast University, Dingjiaqiao Street, Nanjing, 210009.

Research Interest

Dr. Yanghas been engaged in research on health psychology, children's physical and mental health. Her current research interests include: children's common psychological and behavioral problems, especially the impact of chronic stress on children's health, family health education, good behavior habits, prevention of children's common diseases. She has published more than 10 papers on these researches.
Recent Research Projects

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 81803293, Implicit perceived stigmaChronic stress and HIV clinical outcomes: psychology and physiology mechanism. PI: Jin Yang.

2. Provincial and ministerial level research projects, 7325000002, Cohort study on the influence mechanism of AIDS notification on clinical indicators of patients. PI: Jin Yang.

3. Provincial and ministerial level research projects,Association between AIDS related discrimination and clinical indicators of AIDS and its influencing mechanism. PI: Jin Yang.

4. Municipal level research projectsFeasibility and effectiveness of using mHealth to improve disease self-management and health outcomes in HIV/AIDS patients. PI: Jin Yang.

5. Provincial and ministerial level research projects,9350186003,Relationship between depression, anxiety and hair cortisol in adolescents. PI: Huihua Deng. Role:Psychological behavior assessment.

6.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 6525000063, Whole grains regulate TLR4/NF- kappa B pathway to improve T2DM intestinal flora disturbance and chronic. PI: Hong Zhang. Role:census of population.

7. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),6525000013,Effects of Lipocalin-2, PPAR-gamma, inflammatory factors and adipocytokines on lipid metabolism disorders and dietary intervention. PI: Chengkai Zhai. Role:census of population.

8. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),6525001827,Effects of dietary intervention with coarse grains on PPAR-gamma, Pre-LPL and hs-CRP and its mechanism of improving glucose and lipid metabolism disorder. PI: Chengkai Zhai. Role:census of population.

Biographical Information

Dr. Yang, Chinese Citizen, was born in Jiangsu. She got his PhD in health psychology from Southeast University.