Jie Min

Publisher:崔梦晶Release time:2016-07-04Views:938

Basic Information

Jie Min



Address:Room #601, School of Public Health Building, Dingjiaqiao Street, Nanjing

Research Interest

Associate Prof. Min has been engaged in research on statistical methods in epidemiological and clinical studies, and the main reserach areas are related to data manegment on total diet study,  survival analysis of clinical study and structural equation model on health literacy.

Biographical Information

Associate Professor Min was born in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, China in 1962. She got her B.S. in Preventive Medicine in 1985, Master in Epidemiology and health Statistics in 2000 from Fudan University, and Nanjing Medical University of China, respectively. From1985 to 2018 she worked in Southeast University of China.