Bingwei Chen

Publisher:崔梦晶Release time:2016-07-04Views:1274

Basic Information

 Bingwei Chen


Address:Room #601, School of Public Health, Dingjiaqiao 87, Nanjing

Research Interest

Dr. Chen has been engaged in the research on statistical methods in epidemiological studies for more than 15 years. His current research interests include: Statistical methods for Syndrome of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Statistical methods for clinical trials and data mining  on medical image.

Biographical Information

Dr. Chen was born in 1973. He got his B.S. from Fujian Normal University in 1997, Master in Probability and Statistics from Fujian Normal University in 2000, and PhD in Epidemiology and health Statistics from Sichuan University in 2003. From 2003 to 2008 he worked in Southeast University as a lecturer. Now he worked as an associate professor in School of Public Health, Southeast University.