Lu Kong

Publisher:崔梦晶Release time:2016-07-04Views:1222

Basic Information

Lu Kong

Tel:86-25-8379-2566 or

Address:Dingjiaqiao Road 87, School of Public Health, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009,China


Research topic

1. The National Natural Science Funds of China: The role and regulation mechanism of

lncRNA involved germ cell apoptosiscaused by nickel nanoparticlein male rats.

2. Preventive medicine research projects of Jiangsu Province Health Department of China:

ReproductiveToxicityInducedbyNickel Nanoparticles.

3. TheFundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities: The role and mechanism of

piRNA involved sperm toxicitycaused by nickel nanoparticlein male rats

Research Interest

From 2003 to present, the major experimental techniques I used in the research of molecular biology included cell culture, cell apoptosis and proliferation assay, western-blot and IP- western-blot; PCR and zymography techniques. I performed animal experiments which included husbandry of mice, rat and rabbit, and breeding of mice. Other animal techniques that I used included acute, sub-acute and chronic toxicity tests (such as LC50 and LD50, bone marrow, blood and tissue samples preparing and monitoring) on chemicals in mice, rat and rabbit.

Major Publications

1. Wu Y, Ma J, Sun Y, Tang M, Kong L. Effect and mechanism of PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway in the apoptosis of GC-1 cells induced by nickel nanoparticles. Chemosphere, 2020, 255: 126913.

2. Hu W, Yu Z, Gao X, Wu Y, Tang M, Kong L. Study on the damage of sperm induced by nickel nanoparticle exposure. Environ Geochem Health, 2020, 42(6): 1715-1724.

3. Wu Y, Kong L. Advance on toxicity of metal nickel nanoparticles.Environ Geochem Health, 2020, 42(7): 2277-2286.

4. Kong L, Hu W, Gao X, Wu Y, Xue Y, Cheng K, Tang M. Molecular mechanisms underlying nickel nanoparticle induced rat Sertoli-germ cells apoptosis. Sci Total Environ, 2019, 692: 240-248.

5. Kong L, Hu W, Lu C, Cheng K, Tang M. Mechanisms underlying nickel nanoparticle induced reproductive toxicity and chemo-protective effects of vitamin C in male rats. Chemosphere, 2019, 218: 259-265.

6. 高晓洁孔璐薛玉英. 纳米镍对大鼠睾丸生精-支持共培养细胞的凋亡作用及机制研究.癌变·畸变·突变,2018,30(1):8-13+19.

7. Kong L, Gao X, Zhu J, Zhang T, Xue Y, Tang M. Reproductive toxicity induced by nickel nanoparticles in Caenorhabditis elegans. Environ Toxicol, 2017, 32(5): 1530-1538.

8. Kong L, Gao X, Zhu J, Cheng K, Tang M. Mechanisms involved in reproductive toxicity caused by nickel nanoparticle in female rats. Environ Toxicol, 2016, 31(11): 1674-1683.

9. Kong L, Tang M, Zhang T, Wang D, Hu K, Lu W, Wei C, Liang G, Pu Y. Nickel Nanoparticles Exposure and Reproductive Toxicity in Healthy Adult Rats. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014, 15(11): 21253-21269

10. Kong L, Zhang T, Tang M, Pu Y. Apoptosis Induced by Cadmium Selenide Quantum Dots in JB6 Cells[J]. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2012, 12: 1-8

Biographical Information

Employer Name                                                    Job Title                                        Date

1. Public Health School                                     AssociateProfessor                       2015-present

Southeast University

Nanjing, Jiangsu, China


2. Pathology and Physiology                            Postdoctoral Fellow                        2009-2010

Research Branch, Health Effects

Laboratory Division, National

Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Morgantown, WV


3. Institute of Occupational and                          Assistant Professor                     2005-2015

Environmental Medicine

Public Health School

Southeast University

Nanjing, Jiangsu, China


4. Institute of Occupational and                            Instructor                                  2003-2005

Environmental Medicine,

Public Health School

Southeast University,

Nanjing, Jiangsu, China