Xiaojin Yu

Publisher:曾嘉莹Release time:2016-03-11Views:1527

Basic Information
Xiaojin Yu 



Address:Room #6039, Public Health Building, SEU, 87 Dingjiaqiao,Nanjing

Research Interest

Dr. Yu has been engaged in research on statistical methods in epidemiological studies, and the main fields are related to:

      Bayesian statistical methods in Epidemiology

      Statistical methods for environmental exposure assessment

      Statistical methods for meta-analysis

Biographical Information

Xiaojin YU, female, was born in 1971, PhD. Dr. Yu works as Associated-Professor and Master Advisor in Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Southeast University from 2010. She has been to Harvard public health school as Visiting scholar from March 2011 to October 2012 and UCLA as visiting scholar from September 2014 to December 2014. Dr. Yu has extensive experience on teaching Biostatistics and statistical software, and won the second prize on teaching competition in 2009. From 2006, Dr Yu began to teach in English for foreign students.