Xiaoqiang Zhang

Publisher:曾嘉莹Release time:2016-03-11Views:1250

Basic Information
Xiaoqiang Zhang



Address:Room #510, School of public health, SEU, 87 Dingjiaqiao, Nanjing

Research Interest

Dr. Zhang, as an associate professor, has been engaged in the research and teaching of Nutrition and Food Health for more than 20 years. His current research interests include: Anti-inflammatory effects of proanthocyanidin on Lipopolysaccharide-induced activation of BV2 microglia; Study on inhibit effects and mechanism of proanthocyanidin on activated BV2 microglia cell induced dopamine neuron injury; Optimization of Activated Conditions of Antibody Bioconjugated Carboxyl-SPIO Nanoparticles. He has published more than 30 research papers and two book Chapters in the field of nutrition and nanoscience.

Recent Research Project

1. Study on inhibit effects and mechanism of proanthocyanidin on activated BV2 microglia cell induced dopamine neuron injury, grant number: STZZ-0032.

2. The construction of tumor targeted nano-probe based on SPIO-EMMPRIN, grant number: 2010LBMD05.

Biographical Information

Dr. Zhang was born in 1968. He got his B.S. from Nanjing Railway Medical College in 1991, Master degree from Southeast University in 2002, and PhD from Ulm University of Germany in 2007. From 1991 to 1997 he worked in Nanjing Railway medical college as a teaching assistant. From 1997 to 2004 he worked in Southeast University as a lecturer. Now he worked as an associate professor in School of Public Health, Southeast University.