Hui Jin

Publisher:崔梦晶Release time:2016-03-11Views:1582

Basic Information
Hui Jin


Address:Room #200, Shool of Public Health Building, Dingjiaqiao Street, Nanjing

Research Interest

Prof. Jin has been engaged in the research and development of infectious disease epidemiology for more than 15 years. His current research interests include: health technology assessment in complex systems, such as the evaluation of vaccine, diagnosis and treatment methods, the development of hierarchical medical system. As a vice-dean, he also focused on the reform and development of global public health education, for example, he had been engaged in the comparative study between U.S. and Chinese public health education systems.

He has published more than 20 SCI papers in Lancet, Transfusion, Vaccine, Plosone, Epidemiol Infect, Hum Vacc Immunother and other well-known scientific journals. His papers were ever awarded as the most influential excellent academic papers in China in 2009, 2012. He was associate editor of Hum Vacc Immunother and editor of other well-known scientific journals.
Recent Research Project
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant number: 81573258, “The Study of hepatitis e vaccine immunization strategy based on Bayesian statistics and Markov model.”
 2. Social Development Fund of Jiangsu Province, China, grant number: BE2013723, “The long-term effectiveness of hepatitis e vaccine based on cohort study and mathematical model”.

3. National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant number: 71503040, “mechanism study of hierarchical medical system from the view of physician’s ecological environment based on Modelling and empirical research.

Biographical Information

Professor Jin was born in Huludao City, Liaoning Province, China in 1973. He got his B.S. in Preventive Medicine in 1998, Master in Epidemiology and health Statistics in 2003 and PhD in Environment Epidemiology in 2011 from Southeast University of China, respectively. From1998 to 2001 he worked in Huludao worker's hospital as a pediatrician. He joined the School of Public Health, Southeast University since 2003. In June 2002 and June 2005, he was trained as a visiting scholar in Department of Microbiology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In 2013, he worked as residential fellows in the Hopkins-Nanjing Center for Chinese and American Studies, Nanjing, China.