Guiju Sun

Publisher:崔梦晶Release time:2016-03-11Views:2523

Basic Information
Guiju Sun


Address:Room #508, School of Public Health, SEU,87 DingJiaqiao, Nanjing

Research Interest

Prof. Sun has been engaged in the research the relationship between nutrition and chronic disease. Espescially she focus on the effects of different fatty acids on human health, phytochemicals and food efficacy. She has published more than 40 SCI papers. 
Recent Research Project

1.Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of Chinagrant number: 81872618, “The effect and mechanism of Omega -3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on high density lipoprotein subfractions and atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetic and model animals”.

2. Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of Chinagrant number: 81573144, “Effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids coming from different sources on glucose and lipid metabolism and mechanism study in population of type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated with hyperlipidemia”.

3. Sub-project of Key Technologies Research and New Product Creation of Nutritional Functional Food Manufacturing of the National Key R&D Program of the 13th Five-Year Plan , grant number: 2016YFD0400604
4. Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of Chinagrant number: 81273069“Lycium barbarum polysaccharides metabolomics and its hypoglycemic mechanism” .
5. Fund of Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB) “Impacts of Red Palm Blending Oil on Growth and Oxidative Stress in Rats”

6. Fund of Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB) “Effects of palm oil, olive oil and cocoa butter on blood lipids in Chinese youth”

7. Fund of Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB) “Effect of red palm oil on egg and egg quality”

8. Mutual fund of Chinese Nutrition Society and Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB), grant number: 2015002, Lipid nutrition research in different countries on the effect of positional distribution of fatty acids at triglyceride backbone on lipid profile.
9. Red Cross Society of China, KFC Nutrition Fund Program, grant number: 2015001, “Effects of Storage Conditions and Time on the Contents of Nitrate, Nitrite and Vitamin C in Vegetables Before and After cooking and Study on New Deep-frozen-pot Dishes”.
10Arawana Nutrition and Safety Research Grantgrant number: 2014003,“Effects of Different Oils on Lipid Metabolism, Oxidative Stress and Endothelial Function”

Biographical Information

Prof. Sun, a Chinese Citizen, was born in Shandong in 1963She got her B.S. in Medicine from Nanjing Railway Medical College in 1985, Master in Medicine from Shanghai Medical University in 1991, and PhD in Medicine from Fudan University in 2001Her specialty is Nutrition and Food Safety. From1991 to 1998, she worked as a lecturer of Nutrition and Food Hygiene in Nanjing Railway Medical College. From 1999 to 2000, she worked in Dept. of Environmental Science and Health, School of Public Health and Hygiene, Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD, USA)as a visiting scholar. From 1998 to 2003, she worked in Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Southeast University as Associated Professor. From 2003 until now, she is a professor and Director of Dept of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Southeast University, and at same time she is a Doctoral tutor of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Southeast University. From Aug., 2003 to Oct., 2003, she was in Ulm University (Germany)as a visiting Scholar. From Oct., 2006 to Dec., 2006, she worked in Institute for Physiology and Biochemistry of Nutrition, the Federal Research Centre for Nutrition and Food, Germany,as a visiting Scientist. From Feb., 2007.2 to April, 2007, she was in Institute of Environment and Human Health, Texas Tech University (USA) as a visiting scientist.