Wang Bei

Publisher:崔梦晶Release time:2016-03-11Views:2269

Basic Information
Wang Bei


Address:Room #409,School of Public Health (Gongwei Building), SEU, 87 Dingjiaqiao, Nanjing

Research Interest

Prof. Wang has been engaged in the research of infectious disease epidemiology and health education & health promotion for more than 20 years. Her current research interests include: study of sexually transmitted disease (includes a variety of sexually transmitted infections and HIV) and mycoplasm infections, research on measures and strategies of health education, effect evaluation of health education on prevention and treatment of major infectious diseases (such as HBV, TB, HIV/AIDS), and etc. She hastaken charge of 2 national nature science fund projects and more than 10 other projects. She has published more than 10 SCI papers and nearly a hundred other Chinese papers. She has won kinds of university teaching award and Jiangsu prevention medical science and technology award. She has guided more than 20 Master of public health (MPH) to finish master thesis.

Recent Research Project

1. Doctoral Program Foundation of Institutions of Higher Education of China (Project No. 20130092110048),An epidemiological study that Mycoplasma and HIV co-infection to effect host immune function and disease progression in MSM papulation

2. National Major Science Technology Project of China (Subprogram), “Health education in prevention and control of HBV, TB, AIDS”

Biographical Information

Prof. Wang was born in Shanghai in 1964. She got her B.A. in Preventive Medicine, Nanjing Railway Medical College in 1986, M.A. in epidemiology, Nanjing Railway Medical College in 1999, and PhD in School of Public Health, Southeast University in 2007. From1986 to 2000 she worked in Department of Public Health, Nanjing Railway Medical College, as a teacher (assistant and lecturer). From 2000 to the present, She is professor and chair of the Department of epidemiology and health statistics, School of public health, Southeast University